One of my favorite spectator sports at the start of each year is countless predictions of food trends for the coming year. With the benefit of hindsight, it is hard not to laugh at the predictions for 2016, which ranged from hyperbolic (see “The Sriracha Effect”), to the intuitive (plant-based proteins), to the utterly ridiculous (jackfruit, anyone?). Nevertheless, we await these bold predictions each year, looking for insights that can keep us ahead of the game. 2017 is no exception.

2017 may indeed be the Year of the Egg Yolk. Sorghum might become a household word. Bold Africans flavors may make their way into casual restaurants in America’s heartland.

Fortunately, regardless of which of these, or other, predictions happens to come to fruition in 2017, The Chefs’ Warehouse will be well-positioned to help keep you on the cutting edge. We have a long and successful history of being first to the market with pioneering products, and we are flexible enough to move quickly to catch these trends and ideas at the very moment that they hit.

We look forward to partnering with you, to keep you on the cutting edge, in 2017. And we will, of course, all look forward to the predictions in the coming years!