Fourth quarter is a boon for the foodservice industry — up to 80% of a restaurant’s yearly revenue is generated here— fueled in large part by the bountiful holiday season. And when it comes to holidays, CW has ‘everything you need for anything you want.’ Make the most of your seasonal menus with a little help from our CW Holiday Cornucopia, filled with ingredient ideas and menu suggestions.

Entrée- The main course at the center of your holiday plate has to be a hit. Offer your customers the best with:

• Fresh, top shelf Ohio-raised turkey from Bernard Farms complete with gizzards, thigh meat, and all the trimmings.

ham• Spiral-sliced hams from North Country Smokehouse are affordable and flavor-packed; so delectable, your customers will call back for more!

duck• If you’re not selling top quality Maple Leaf Duck raised in Indiana, you’re not selling the right duck.

prime-rib• Allen Bros. Prime Rib is always a crowd pleaser.

Seafood- CW is proud to offer the finest quality fish and shellfish in the market today. Delight your guests by incorporating these exciting menu options:

surf-turf• Taking a “back to basics” recipe in new, unpredictable directions makes holiday parties fun for the palate. Try a little surf-and-turf with a 4 oz Allen Brothers fillet served alongside a 4 oz lobster tail!
• A shrimp cocktail is only as good as the quality of its shrimp, and XW Shrimp simply delivers the best.

On The Side- Sides matter! So become the favorite item on a plate, outshining even the main entrée. CW has a host of ingredients; when it comes to sides, we’re on your side!

cranberry• No chef is going to omit the cranberry from the traditional dinner. If you’re not making it fresh, we’ve got the best.

stuffing• Don’t box yourself in when it comes to stuffing. Rich, ancient grains such as amaranth, quinoa, spelt, and farro are worth exploring.

holiday-veg• Don’t forget greens! Our Ohio CW processing room produces special vegetable blends and peeled potatoes, letting you minimize extra labor while retaining freshness.

desserts-holidayDesserts- Whether offering timeless classics or forging an innovative path to sweet indulgence, CW can help your final course steal the show.

pumpkinpie2• If time is in short supply, a wide selection of pre-prepared desserts is available — satisfaction (and fresh whipped cream) guaranteed.

chestnut-dessert• ‘Tis the season for chestnuts. These earthy nuts can be seamlessly added to savory and sweet dishes alike.

We wish you a joyful holiday season with your loved ones, and a season filled with endless culinary possibilities!